helo helo :)
lg bpe jam lg je kte akn masok thun 2009. kejap sgt rsenye. for me, 2008 bnyk meninggalkn kenangan2 yg sgt2 brhrge n xmungkin aku dpt lupe. nih yg nk share nihh. jum bace ikot months. tp aku xdela ingt sume bndenyee. :P
januari februari mac :
first2 masok f3. ketarr la jgk. yelah, bdk pmr lah katekan. hehe. sume subjek maseh sng2 wktu nih. cekgu2 plak, maseh brtuka2. n kls maseh brserabot n dlm keadaan yg sgt kotor. mse nih laa buzy hias kls n kutip dwet kls n mse ni jgk lantik ajk kls. mcm2 agenda bln ni. xsebot lg psl sukan. ahh, sgt bz dgn kawat lah apela. sume ade tgs maseng2. mse ni sume itam2 jaa sbb slalu lepak pdg. haha. nseb baek lah aku tak amek pape. hanye usha2 org kawatt. ahha. (kenangan2, huu). baeklahh, next topic is birthday. ewahh, ramai owh bday die dis 3 months termasok lah aku kau dan dia. *ape ntah. hahaha. kene laa g carik bday present buat org2 ni. heee. sape sape ekk? angkt kaki wehh. hahaha. mcm2 jgk adiah aku dpt. pling bnyk dpt kad lahh. tenkiuu yeh. dlm months nih jgk, adelaa ujian bulanan. well, aku xde la terer mane. mse ni xsdr lg nk pmr. haha. hentam sajaaa. blaja pun xbpe nk siyes sgt. (tula aku, jgn tiru aksi ini.haha) nnn 1 more thing, in this three months jgk lah ade trselitnye kenangan yg paling manisss untk aku smpai aku sndri xbole describe n gtau sinih. haha. dah dah, next next.
april mei jun :
mse nih dah rse oh bahang nk pmr. mse nih bru laa aku ade kesedaran sket nk study. haha. tp ade jgk maen2 nye. *sprti, bnyk on, bnyk ckp, bnyk menong, bnyk usha2, n bnyk bnyk bnyk menong. hahah* but maseh digelar pelajar kelas 3rk1 yg akn menghadapi pmr. ahhaa, asilahasilah ape nk jd dgn kauu. hahaha. (well bln ni aku xbpe nk ingt) haha, next next.
julai ogos september :
aisehhh, mse nih sume nye gelot wehh. sume bnde nk ekspress. tetambah lg cekgu kooi tuu. die masok kls jee, msti trsepak meje. haha. relax relax. mse nih jgk bnyk la ketas betimbun2 ats meje aku. ahh, serabot serabot mse nih. dgn homework nye yg bnyk, dgn plbs lg, peka lg, pafa lg, n mcm2 lg laa. mmg penat. sumenye dgn hal maseng2. trial pown dtg! erghhh, lg laa pening pusing kepale. aku nih dh jd bdk skema tauu. haha. tapi dlm mse tuu jgk lahh, aku nih nk brkaseh syg. bahahha. tp alhamdulillah, he is the perfect guy for me this moment. ngee. (see wht happens next). trial agak teruk laaaaa, sedeh sedeh. ha! start at this moment, mmg dh tekad sgt dahh nk study btol2 (haha, bru sedar). n mse nih jgk kuceng syg aku mati, sedeh gilenye. tnggl la sekor. ayh kate nk gnti tp ntah bilenye lahh. huu. next next.
october november disember :
bln nih lg laa. ketas betimbun smpai nk cecah langit ohh(hiperbola di sini, haha). sume nye serbe xkene. cnthnye, aku mmg nk bwt bku nih, tp dlm pkiran, buku ni xbce lg, n ketas ni xsiap lg, homework ni xsiap lg. pening pening. erghh, saba jelaaa. aku pown xtau cmne aku bahagi mse. bln nih jgk laa aku kuar ke sne ke mari. ahha. (fara tau nih. kannn?) 13 oktober! adoyy. menghantuiku! pmr pmr pmr. hmm, time nih dh xde mse dh nk pk bnde bkn2. aku pun just fokus on study jee kejenye. seminggu oh pmr. rse cam dok dungeon. haha. tapee. blom spm lg. kann? hmpir stiap hari n stiap kls i attend. support mse ni kiri kanan dpn blakang ohh. tengs yeaaa sygg. i just hope n pray the best for it. bln ni mcm2 brlaku. resultnye lah, tekanan jiwa nye lahh, kesedihannye lah, terkenang sane sini lah, dan akhirnya aku temui kebahagiannya pd hari 30 disember. dan skrg, i hope ape yg i dah hilang, i nak sgt ianye kembali. n hope ape yg i dah dpt, i nk simpan smpai bile n jage elok2.
tu saje untuk dikenang dan dishare. assalamualaikum dan selamat tahun baru people :)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
di sebalik dugaan Mu..
wahh, ble aku bce paper ni kan, aku tros xbole tido mlm ohh. tambah2 lg it is on 25th. (errr) gile sewel aku hri tu. mcm2 jd on that day. rse nk dok hospital saket jiwe pown ade. haha. asilah asilah, naseb baek lg xbtoi2 sewel. :P
its over dahh today. rupenye Die nk test kte dlu, how strong we r when dealing with problems. truthly, i mmg need sumone ble jd mcm hritu. tp, i realize, He is the one i need the most. eventhough, i know, i cant see n listen what He is saying, but i know, He is helping me in the inside. and im so thankful for what He had done n gave to me. alhamdulillah :)
30 disember 2008, selase. HARI KEPUTUSAN PMR 2008 DIUMUMKAN.
Ya Allah, rse nk jln pown xbole oh ble ingt result. im so scared gle babun nye. haha. tros brgegar jantungku apabila mendengar namamu oh PMR. (ewahh, mcm ayt jiwang la plak. hahaha). pg2 td lg, around 9.45 tu aku dh kuar rumah dgn parents pegi skola nk amek result (gile awl kn? semangat btol aku. haha). smpai jee kt pntu pgr skola, ade lah notis kt pgr smkgr tu. 'para pelajar dan ibu bapa ting 3 boleh ambil keputusan di kantin sekolah' (entah ye ke x ayt tuu, tp same meaning laa. haha) masok je skola, aku dh xsbr2 ehh nk g amek result. laju smcm je, smpai mak aku pown trpekik2 dri blkg. aku xdga pown. hahah. pegi lahh kt kantin tuu. mse tu xrmai sgt org. only a few je dgn parents masing2. grrr, seramm.
aku still xdpt carik kwn aku lg. smbg2 dgn mama dlu wktu tuu smbil tgk2 paper yg terbang2 kt meje kantin yg menunjukkan kelas. hee. then azie pown dtg. wahh, siap pelok kann syg? dh lme xjmpe, sure lahh cmtu. haha. then, maken ramai laa orgnye. tnggu bff xsmpai2 lg. haihh, lg laa ketar jari wehhh. tbe2, cekgu kooi turun dri tngge bilek guru. woahh, senyap sunyi mse tuuu oh. die tros nmpk aku n siap pointing n ckp 'hey asilahh, good good. ur maths haa, waa, cantek'. n die tepok2 bhu aku. ehh, ape laa kenenye ckgu kooi nih, buang tebiat ke ape. ahh, lntk la. ntah ape la yg nk jdik lps ni. fuhh, my hand is still cold. heee. suddenly, ustazah sharaf lina(guru kls) turun smbil bwk ketas (i mean slip lah). grrr, lg laaa. adoyyy. menggeletar~. haha. then die pnggil aku, meh la amek dlu. aku ckp, xpe laa. bg la org laen dlu. suare pown xmo kuar dahh wktu tu. haha.
then, ade classmate sorang tu yg amek dlu. wahh, trsgt lah hepi die. aku tgk die pown aku tringin nk jd sehepi cmtu, so aku decide nk jd org kedue amek result. smpai2 je kt meje tuu, ustazah senyum meleret wehh smpai ke telinge. pstu die ckp, 'ha, asilah, knape lahh awk bg kptsn mcm ni kt sy.' wahh, suspen siot. aku dh takot gle org utan dahh. hahaha. then die bg slip pekse tuu. aku tgk..mama aku pun ade tgk. adoyy. ni btol ke slip aku? btol ke result aku nii? dah tgk tu, setitik air mate jatoh kt pipi nihh. dramatik oh time tuu. aku trsgt lah hepi.
mse tu, aku trus peluk mama n mama bisik, 'ciah syg, keep it up n congrats to u. mama berjaye didik ank mama n im so proud of u. i love you'. wah, time tuu mmg xdpt thn dahh, trus menanges! ayh ade kt tepi, aku pun peluk die jgk. aku ilank malu oh time tu, bia la ape org nk ckp. ahha. the third person is pn zumeme, mak angkt tuu. ngee. die kiss aku u know! haha. bestt. then, amek gmba plakk. best part tu. siap camera sidang redaksi pown aku posing. hahaha.
alhamdulillah, penutup tirai 2008 yg sgt2 mysterius. hepi nye saat ni hnye Die yg tau. tp aku nk sgt share this happiness with everybody that i love. hee. im so so happy n i almost forget what i had lost lately nii. hmm. lastly, i sgt bersyukur sbb dpt ape yg aku target slme nih. alhamdulillah, i manage to get 8a for my pmr. amin :)
lovely thanks to my mum norhamar bt ayub, dad ahmad b shafee, brother fakhrulradhi and to all my families.
special thanks to my two best friends, fara 'aqilah n nurul jannah.
my own special thanks to ahmad yasyri, amanina, hidayah n nazrin.
big thanks to my beloved teachers, pn zumeme (my mum at school) , ustzh sharaf lina (ag), mr kooi (maths), pn arba'atun (sc), pn noridah (bm), pn fauziah (bi), en sufian (geo), en rajendran (sej), pn norzi (kh).
thanks to you also my dear friends, anie azie wani iza asyraf. n to all my classmates in 3RK1.
all the support, advice, lessons, discussion n the times all of you spent with me when im inneed. i really appreciated it, i do! thanks for being with me. <3333
Sunday, December 28, 2008
dup dap dup dap
ya ampun, result PMR nk kuar dahh slase nih. adoyy, ape lah agk2 nye result aku. fuhh, seram seram. smpai xtido mlm aww. bak ayt jiwang, mkn xkenyang, mndi xbsh, tido xlene. hehe. kalo dpt tido punn, sure trmimpi2 psl hri kuar result. haha. siyes ketarr bgun pg weh. kdg2 tu trmenung sorang2, pk psl result. ahah, smpai telepon bunyi pown dh xdgr. haha. :DD
deep down in my heart, no matter what is the result look like, aku redha dgn pemberianNya. but, outside my heart, there is fear n fear n fear that can never be describe. hehe. i dunno laaa what happen on that day. msty mcm2 reaksi muke n perasaan bdk2 sbaye aku nih. fuhhh, sure everything mix up ohhh hri tu. grrr, takot takot, (trbyg) ape lah reaksi aku n parents n family n friends nnty? ah ah, everything dah berlalu, i'll just pray the best for it.
buat kwn2, ingt satuu je, kalo korang xdpt result bgos ponn, still bole continue naek f4. bknnye mcm dulu. my dad cte, mse time die dlu, kalo xpass SRP (PMR skrg lah), xbole naek tingkatan tau. tuh lg dasyat! patotla org dulu pndai2 n power2. maknenye, dieorg dlu msty study kaw2 pnye untk nak naek tingkatan. (thinking bout it every nite tau) haha. naseb baek lah kte xmcm tu, kte still bole naek tingkatan. yg berbeze nye cume result PMR tu akn menentu kn kte pegi mne lps ni (asrama penuh, mrsm) n menentu kn kls ape kte brade ble f4 nnty n aliran ape yg kte masuk. smoge aku dpt result yg bgos on the 30th nihh. doa doa :D
pmr candidates, how is your fear looks like? share lah :p
deep down in my heart, no matter what is the result look like, aku redha dgn pemberianNya. but, outside my heart, there is fear n fear n fear that can never be describe. hehe. i dunno laaa what happen on that day. msty mcm2 reaksi muke n perasaan bdk2 sbaye aku nih. fuhhh, sure everything mix up ohhh hri tu. grrr, takot takot, (trbyg) ape lah reaksi aku n parents n family n friends nnty? ah ah, everything dah berlalu, i'll just pray the best for it.
buat kwn2, ingt satuu je, kalo korang xdpt result bgos ponn, still bole continue naek f4. bknnye mcm dulu. my dad cte, mse time die dlu, kalo xpass SRP (PMR skrg lah), xbole naek tingkatan tau. tuh lg dasyat! patotla org dulu pndai2 n power2. maknenye, dieorg dlu msty study kaw2 pnye untk nak naek tingkatan. (thinking bout it every nite tau) haha. naseb baek lah kte xmcm tu, kte still bole naek tingkatan. yg berbeze nye cume result PMR tu akn menentu kn kte pegi mne lps ni (asrama penuh, mrsm) n menentu kn kls ape kte brade ble f4 nnty n aliran ape yg kte masuk. smoge aku dpt result yg bgos on the 30th nihh. doa doa :D
pmr candidates, how is your fear looks like? share lah :p
1 muharam 1430 hijrah.
alhamdulillah, syukur kpd Allah swt kerana smpt memberiku peluang untk trus brnfs sehingga bermula nye tahun baru, 1430 ini. amin. :)
smoge thun ni akn lebih brmakne buat sume trmasuk lah akuu.
nothing to say much here people. pray the best for me.
salam tahun baru, muslim and muslimah.
smoge thun ni akn lebih brmakne buat sume trmasuk lah akuu.
nothing to say much here people. pray the best for me.
salam tahun baru, muslim and muslimah.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
ya Allah, dugaan Mu.
xsangke time mcm ni sekali gus mslh dtg. mcm2 mslh. first, mmg lately ni mmg xsdp hati n slalu saket kepale tbe2. aku xmampu untk buat ape2 ble takdirnye dah ditetapkan mcm ni. ade kalenye, aku rse separuh gile fikirkan mslh2 ni sume.
kematian itu sgt menyakitkan sewaktu malaikat menyabut nyawa dari bdn tetapi sesungguhnya, ianya amat amat menyedihkan bg org2 di sampingnye. baru2 ni, sedare trdekat aku pergi menghadap ilahi. die lah org yg pling rpt aku mse kecik n kteorg xpenah brgaduh dari dulu. kirenye, mmg mcm adek dgn akk lah. ble aku dpt tau je die meninggal, aku mmg btol2 xcaye. kteorg bru lps ckp phone bru2 ni. tp.. dgn sekelip mate je die xde dah dlm dunie ni. aku rse mcm dh kehilangan segalenye. ape kan dayeku untk menghalang takdirMu. ya Allah, tempatkan lah dirinya dlm klgn org2 yg soleh. al-fatihah..
sakit itu dugaan dan ujian dri Allah yg kte xdpt nk elak wlau mcm mne skali pun. last few days, ayh aku call dokter tnye psl aku. hmm. aku xtau bnde ni sume nk jgk dtg time ni. he said, i will need an operation if it is getting worse n worse. mslhnye, mmg saket. i refuse to take the operation but smpai ble aku kne tanggung sume ni. it will be a minor operation but it will take time to heal n to walk back as normal person. aku sgt2 trtekan psl nih. everyday i kept thinking bout this.
sumtimes, kite perlu express ape yg kte rse kt org laen. slaen tmn special, kwn baek n kwn2 rpt, family ialah org yg pling memahami kte. tp bg aku, mslh yg brkaitan dgn family mmg xboleh di share dgn family. sumtimes, kte perlukan seseorg yg btul2 memahami diri kte untk meringankan beban yg ade.
i really need sumone who can talk to. i dont know what is up next of me. all my problems cant solve if i dont put the effort to solve it. but, what should i do? i need help n i need the support. i really dont want to lose u.
Ya Allah, kuatkah aku jalani semua ujianMu? berikanlah aku kekuatan dan ketenangan kpdku. sesungguhnya, hanya diriMu tmpt ku mengadu.
to the person that i've said i love you, i really mean it n im begging you, please be here with me.
dgn air mata..maafkan ku..
kematian itu sgt menyakitkan sewaktu malaikat menyabut nyawa dari bdn tetapi sesungguhnya, ianya amat amat menyedihkan bg org2 di sampingnye. baru2 ni, sedare trdekat aku pergi menghadap ilahi. die lah org yg pling rpt aku mse kecik n kteorg xpenah brgaduh dari dulu. kirenye, mmg mcm adek dgn akk lah. ble aku dpt tau je die meninggal, aku mmg btol2 xcaye. kteorg bru lps ckp phone bru2 ni. tp.. dgn sekelip mate je die xde dah dlm dunie ni. aku rse mcm dh kehilangan segalenye. ape kan dayeku untk menghalang takdirMu. ya Allah, tempatkan lah dirinya dlm klgn org2 yg soleh. al-fatihah..
sakit itu dugaan dan ujian dri Allah yg kte xdpt nk elak wlau mcm mne skali pun. last few days, ayh aku call dokter tnye psl aku. hmm. aku xtau bnde ni sume nk jgk dtg time ni. he said, i will need an operation if it is getting worse n worse. mslhnye, mmg saket. i refuse to take the operation but smpai ble aku kne tanggung sume ni. it will be a minor operation but it will take time to heal n to walk back as normal person. aku sgt2 trtekan psl nih. everyday i kept thinking bout this.
sumtimes, kite perlu express ape yg kte rse kt org laen. slaen tmn special, kwn baek n kwn2 rpt, family ialah org yg pling memahami kte. tp bg aku, mslh yg brkaitan dgn family mmg xboleh di share dgn family. sumtimes, kte perlukan seseorg yg btul2 memahami diri kte untk meringankan beban yg ade.
i really need sumone who can talk to. i dont know what is up next of me. all my problems cant solve if i dont put the effort to solve it. but, what should i do? i need help n i need the support. i really dont want to lose u.
Ya Allah, kuatkah aku jalani semua ujianMu? berikanlah aku kekuatan dan ketenangan kpdku. sesungguhnya, hanya diriMu tmpt ku mengadu.
to the person that i've said i love you, i really mean it n im begging you, please be here with me.
dgn air mata..maafkan ku..
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
tag lg.
1. Slept in your bed besides you?
teddy bear biru yg dibelikan ketike di parade. heee :D
2. Saw you cry:
err, xde xde. tp dga ade laa. secret uihh.
3. Went to the movies with you?
fara anie azie jan.
4. You went to the mall with?
kwn kwn n laki aku ;D
5. You went to dinner with?
insan ituu. wee
6. You talked on the phone?
last skali with ayah.
7. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it?
dasyat nye soklan nihh. to the person i love the most :D
8. Broke your heart?
my mistakes that broke my heart the most.
9. Made you laugh?
my brother
1. Pierce your nose or tongue?
no wayy
2. Be serious or be funny?
3. Drink whole or skim milk?
4. Die in a fire or drown?
nobody knows. takdir lah. Allah yg tentukan :)
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?
1. Simple or complicated?
simple :)
2. Gay?
euuu. step out of it.
3. Hardcore?
certainly a big no.
1. Flowers or candy?
flowers :)
2. Gray or black?
3. Color or Black and white photos?
color, its better coz it is real.
4. Lust or love?
5. Sunrise or sunset?
sunset. sgt cantek dan sunggoh syahdu. ewahh. hahaaha.
6. M&Ms or Skittles?
mane2 je pun xpe.
8. Staying up late or waking up early?
staying up late.
1. Do you like anyone?
2. Do they know it?
no, a few already knew it. secret :)
1. Sun or moon?
moon sbb nmpk. sun mane nmpk. bute aku nnty. haha. bulan menenangkan.
2. Winter or Fall?
3. Left or right?
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends?
i have no idea
5. Sun or rain?
rain sbb sejuk. bole tido. hahaha.
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?
vanilla! its favourite of mine :)
7. Vodka or Jack?
harammm la weh. haha.
1. What time is it?
mcm knl je ayt nii. what time is it..summer time! lagu high school musical. hahaha.
2. Name?
nurul asilah ahmad
3. Nickname(s):
asilah clah silah silalala. yg ni fara yg bg, cincilah, chicky pocky? (bongek la kau fara) haha.
4. Where were you born?
hospital pakar ipoh
5. What is your birthdate?
12.3.1993. as simple as 123. haha.
6. What do you want?
be forever with all the people i love.
7. Where do you want to live?
dulu aku tringin dok umah ats bukit, skang ni xbole. bahaye la wehh, nnty tertimbus kang. err, let me think, nk dok tepi laut pun xbole, nnty tsunami. nk dok kt apartment or penthouse pown xbole, sbb tinggi sgt, takot gempe bumi. dok dlm utan, nnty kene pijak dek gajah. haha. so, baek aku dok kt pdg. kan sng, xde spe kaco. haha. ha! heaven? lg best, no worries. :p
8. How many kids do you want?
soklan ape nih. haiyaa. mne la aku nk tau lg. haha.
9. What would you want to name a girl?
nur zahira bahiyah. aku siap mimpi oh name ni. haha.
10. What would you want to name a boy?
ahmad zafriq bin ____? wahh, mcm sdp je nme nihh haih. haha. :D
11. You want to get married?
of coz lahh. xingin aku jd andartu. haha.
1. Nervous Habits:
gigit bibir? :D
2. Are you double jointed?
ape ape? sah aku xphm. ahaaha.
3. Can you roll your tongue?
yes, boleh sajee. nak tgk? byr 10 hengget sorang. haha.
4. Can you raise one eyebrow?
err, dunno. xpenah try. nk try ahh nnty. haha.
5. Can you cross your eyes?
ntah ntah. xmo la bwat. mcm horror je. lalala.
6. Do you make your bed daily?
of coz :)
8. Which shoe goes on first?
ntah. aku pown xprasan bnde nih. maen masok jee. haha.
9. Ever thrown one at someone?
10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you?
more than 1 cent. haha.
11. What jewelry do you wear?
gelang tgn, rantai, subang dan wajib pakai cincin :D
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
2. Have you ever eaten Spam?
ape tu?
3. Favorite ice cream:
td kn dah ade. vanilla vanilla pls? :p
4. How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet?
one only. cornflakes saje. ngeee
5. What's your favorite beverage?
err, ntah, aku hentam jee. haha.
7. Do you cook?
i tau msk ok :)
1. Had a b/f or g/f?
yes. now and always and forever. :DD
2. Bought something you didn't need:
4. Sang in front of people:
5. Been kissed:
yes, di kiss oleh mama saye. haha.
6. Been hugged:
yes. dipelok oleh angin. hahaha.
7. Felt stupid:
lately ni lah. hmm, gile lah aku bwat cmtu. arghhh!
8. Missed someone:
yes. so so much :D
9. Got drunk:
10. Got high:
11. Danced Crazy:
yes with fara. hahaha.
12. Gotten your hair cut:
xbole xcerita oh. aurat. haha.
13. Cried:
yes ...
14. Lied:
dulu adela. xmo dah tipu2 :)
1. Slept in your bed besides you?
teddy bear biru yg dibelikan ketike di parade. heee :D
2. Saw you cry:
err, xde xde. tp dga ade laa. secret uihh.
3. Went to the movies with you?
fara anie azie jan.
4. You went to the mall with?
kwn kwn n laki aku ;D
5. You went to dinner with?
insan ituu. wee
6. You talked on the phone?
last skali with ayah.
7. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it?
dasyat nye soklan nihh. to the person i love the most :D
8. Broke your heart?
my mistakes that broke my heart the most.
9. Made you laugh?
my brother
1. Pierce your nose or tongue?
no wayy
2. Be serious or be funny?
3. Drink whole or skim milk?
4. Die in a fire or drown?
nobody knows. takdir lah. Allah yg tentukan :)
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?
1. Simple or complicated?
simple :)
2. Gay?
euuu. step out of it.
3. Hardcore?
certainly a big no.
1. Flowers or candy?
flowers :)
2. Gray or black?
3. Color or Black and white photos?
color, its better coz it is real.
4. Lust or love?
5. Sunrise or sunset?
sunset. sgt cantek dan sunggoh syahdu. ewahh. hahaaha.
6. M&Ms or Skittles?
mane2 je pun xpe.
8. Staying up late or waking up early?
staying up late.
1. Do you like anyone?
2. Do they know it?
no, a few already knew it. secret :)
1. Sun or moon?
moon sbb nmpk. sun mane nmpk. bute aku nnty. haha. bulan menenangkan.
2. Winter or Fall?
3. Left or right?
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends?
i have no idea
5. Sun or rain?
rain sbb sejuk. bole tido. hahaha.
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?
vanilla! its favourite of mine :)
7. Vodka or Jack?
harammm la weh. haha.
1. What time is it?
mcm knl je ayt nii. what time is it..summer time! lagu high school musical. hahaha.
2. Name?
nurul asilah ahmad
3. Nickname(s):
asilah clah silah silalala. yg ni fara yg bg, cincilah, chicky pocky? (bongek la kau fara) haha.
4. Where were you born?
hospital pakar ipoh
5. What is your birthdate?
12.3.1993. as simple as 123. haha.
6. What do you want?
be forever with all the people i love.
7. Where do you want to live?
dulu aku tringin dok umah ats bukit, skang ni xbole. bahaye la wehh, nnty tertimbus kang. err, let me think, nk dok tepi laut pun xbole, nnty tsunami. nk dok kt apartment or penthouse pown xbole, sbb tinggi sgt, takot gempe bumi. dok dlm utan, nnty kene pijak dek gajah. haha. so, baek aku dok kt pdg. kan sng, xde spe kaco. haha. ha! heaven? lg best, no worries. :p
8. How many kids do you want?
soklan ape nih. haiyaa. mne la aku nk tau lg. haha.
9. What would you want to name a girl?
nur zahira bahiyah. aku siap mimpi oh name ni. haha.
10. What would you want to name a boy?
ahmad zafriq bin ____? wahh, mcm sdp je nme nihh haih. haha. :D
11. You want to get married?
of coz lahh. xingin aku jd andartu. haha.
1. Nervous Habits:
gigit bibir? :D
2. Are you double jointed?
ape ape? sah aku xphm. ahaaha.
3. Can you roll your tongue?
yes, boleh sajee. nak tgk? byr 10 hengget sorang. haha.
4. Can you raise one eyebrow?
err, dunno. xpenah try. nk try ahh nnty. haha.
5. Can you cross your eyes?
ntah ntah. xmo la bwat. mcm horror je. lalala.
6. Do you make your bed daily?
of coz :)
8. Which shoe goes on first?
ntah. aku pown xprasan bnde nih. maen masok jee. haha.
9. Ever thrown one at someone?
10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you?
more than 1 cent. haha.
11. What jewelry do you wear?
gelang tgn, rantai, subang dan wajib pakai cincin :D
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
2. Have you ever eaten Spam?
ape tu?
3. Favorite ice cream:
td kn dah ade. vanilla vanilla pls? :p
4. How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet?
one only. cornflakes saje. ngeee
5. What's your favorite beverage?
err, ntah, aku hentam jee. haha.
7. Do you cook?
i tau msk ok :)
1. Had a b/f or g/f?
yes. now and always and forever. :DD
2. Bought something you didn't need:
4. Sang in front of people:
5. Been kissed:
yes, di kiss oleh mama saye. haha.
6. Been hugged:
yes. dipelok oleh angin. hahaha.
7. Felt stupid:
lately ni lah. hmm, gile lah aku bwat cmtu. arghhh!
8. Missed someone:
yes. so so much :D
9. Got drunk:
10. Got high:
11. Danced Crazy:
yes with fara. hahaha.
12. Gotten your hair cut:
xbole xcerita oh. aurat. haha.
13. Cried:
yes ...
14. Lied:
dulu adela. xmo dah tipu2 :)
di tagged.
Rules and Regulations:
1. Each player writes a little blog of 15 weird or little known facts about yourself.
2. People who gets tagged needs to state the rule clearly before hand.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to tag and write their names down.
4. No Tags back!!!!
drpd : pakcik asyraf
- aku suke kumpul bnde2 yg xseberape nk bergune. mcm ketas lame2 n plastik yg lawa2 (aku syg jee, tp aku xkan gune. rugi kan?) haha.
- suke sgt snap pic yg agk pelik. tp bile dah snap gmba tu, aku rse cam tah pape je aku ni. then tros delete. :D
- klo aku dkt2 cermin tuu kan, first2 tu rse mls je nk tgk diri sndri. tp, kalo dh tgk tuu, asek btolkan tudong je. normal x aku ni? haha.
- almost everyday aku senyum. hmm, kalo sedeh pown, aku kene senyum jugak sbb nnty ramai org akn tnye 'asilah, knpe ko ni? mcm bkn asilah je aku tgk.' aku pown xtaw npe.
- kalo dah lame g cuti kan, ble balek umah je, msti tergedik2 nk on n bkk pc. kdg tu smpai berebut2 dgn abg. mak aku ckp mcm org kuno dpt pc. hahaha.
- aku kalo tido awl, aku sure bgun lmbt. kalo aku tido lmbt, sure aku bgun awl. haha. agak pelik :p
- suke tengok mate org. rse mcm nk amek je mate org. beware. hahah. :D
- bilik aku xsah kalo xde air mineral/msk. sbb aku suke menelan air. haha.
- suke teddy bear. wahh, kalo dpt yg besa tuu kan best peluk2! kalo dpt bsr dri bntl, aku rse aku xyah bntl pown xpe. tetambah lg bear warne cokelat. ngee.
- aku susah nk tido kalo ade bnde yg aku blom bwat. cnthnye, kalo aku dh tido, tetibe aku teringat aku pnye homework (i mean yg ringan2 la), aku tros bangon n bwat. alahh, tu pun kalo aku ingt. slalunye xingt kalo dh mkn kenyang tuu. haha.
- suke menyanyi dlm bilek dgn penuh penghayatan. poyo jee aku ni. haishh, sukar percaye aku share nihh. hahaha.
- kalau hari tu aku naek sumthing yg laen dri kerete (feri,flight,bas,sampan,rakit? haha.) mlm tu kan, aku sure mmpi aku naek bnde tu. again, am i normal? itulah aku. haha.
- suke sgt mrepek2 about certain things yg aku bole bwat cite mrepek. haha. tanye lahh sesape yg rpt, sure dieorg ckp aku mereng. haha. tp tu lah care aku nk ilang kan tensyen.
- slalu tgk dinding yg berwarne pink. sbb tu lah dinding bilik aku yg aku xbole elak. wajib tgk jgk. hahaha.
- suke ckp 'comelnyee'. btol takk kwn aku? sbb bg aku, that words sgt best untk dickp. haha. comelnyeee diee, comelnyee bnde tuu n bla bla bla :DD
alaaa, sape lg yg xbuat. aku je yg kuno. terlambat bls bnde ni. haha.
aku nk bg kt sorang je sbnrnye. haha :D
-fara 'aqilah bt mohd daud-ank sedare sblh bpk tiri pnye mak sedare aku
-fara 'aqilah bt mohd daud-makcik yg aku syg
-fara 'aqilah bt mohd daud-bestfren aku
-fara 'aqilah bt mohd daud-kwn aku
-fara 'aqilah bt mohd daud-nenek yg baek
-fara 'aqilah bt mohd daud-jiran yg rumahnye 1.2km dari rumah aku.
-fara 'aqilah bt mohd daud-yg suke pakai spek tuu. haha.
-fara 'aqilah bt mohd daud-adek aku yg lahir bln 9
-fara 'aqilah bt mohd daud-bdk yg ske peluk aku. hahaha :D
-fara 'aqilah bt mohd daud-kanak2 yg suke cokelat.
hah! cpt laa fara. bnyk btol klon ekk. hahahaha. :P
perlu kamu..
hmm. mcm mane nk start eyhh. errr.
theres nothing much to tell here. it is just a wish list..
i nak..
one, you.
two, your forgiveness.
three, things will be normal again.
i just want to say that i am so sorry. really sorry.
when your gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you.
when your gone, the face i came to know is missing too.
when your gone, the words i need to hear will always get me through the day and make it ok.
i miss you.
and here, i just want you to know that i love you and i love everything about you.
i am sorry..
theres nothing much to tell here. it is just a wish list..
i nak..
one, you.
two, your forgiveness.
three, things will be normal again.
i just want to say that i am so sorry. really sorry.
when your gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you.
when your gone, the face i came to know is missing too.
when your gone, the words i need to hear will always get me through the day and make it ok.
i miss you.
and here, i just want you to know that i love you and i love everything about you.
i am sorry..
holiday kuhh :)
lamenye lahh xjengok blog nih. hmmm, rindu lah plak. ngee. actually, ade bnyk sbb xbkk blog ni. satunye, asek maen game je kejenye. duenye, asek buzy dgn mcm2. tigenye, pegi jln sane n sini. empatnye, saje mls nk update blog n stuff. pkiran serabot sket. mcm2 plak jd time nih. limenye, (ble la nk abeh ni, haha) membuzykan diri dgn family. dah cukop2. haha.
12 dec 2008.
mama decide nk g tgk ayh kt manjung. best lah jgk dpt jmpe ayh. n dpt tido sne dis holiday, at least, occupied lah sket mase cuti ni. kali ni beze sket dri dlu. kali nih fara ikot skali. wahh, best gilenye. kecoh oh umah tu. sume monyet lari tau. haha. lame dah x lepak2 dgn fara. so, my mum decide ajk die skali. (hmm, dpt lah jgk meng hepi kan sket pkiran yg agk serabot nih) tengs sgt sgt sgt yee fara. len kali kte g lg aw? :)
13 dec 2008 - 17 dec 2008.
mcm2 happen wktu nih. yg paling xdpt lupe tuu, kite sume pegi damar laut. wahh, best gle nye. g mancing dgn ayah. mancing nih feveret aku tauu! best best. dpt ikan bnyk kt ctue. dulu, jeti ke pulau pangkor kat ctue lah. tp skang nih dh tuka ke lumut. so, jeti tu xgune dah la. actually, jeti tu, sesape pun xbole masok. tp ayh kesah ape, die masok je, ats alsn nk melawat kwsn. hahaha. ayh oh yahh. pandai ek ek. hehe. kt damar laut ni pemandangan die sgt lah cantek. kteorg pegi kul 4 cmtu smpai 7 lebeh. fuhh, lame gile, tp xbosan lngsung. yelahh, bnde feveret, mane xboring. haha. yah, laen kali bwk ciah lg tau. ngeee. nih gmba gmba nye :D
hari ahad tuu, mama, ayah, fara n asilah nii pegi pangkor. balek hari je. pegi dlm kul 3 lbeh cmtu then ayh ckp balek lumut mlm tu jgk. so, kteorg pown naek laa feri dari jeti lumut. org xde la rmai sgt kt lumut ni tp ble kami smpai je sne, ya Allah, first time aku tgk org seramai mcm hri tu. mmg ramai sgt org nk naek feri. ramai sgt sgt sgt sgt. mcm nasi impit yg mmg dh terhimpit2 thp cipan. hahaha. naseb baek kami xkene. fuhh, bese laa dah ramai tuu, mcm2 la ragamnye. hahaha. cuti cuti malaysia tuu. wee. then, kteorg naek teksi pegi ke teluk nipah. nak mandi laut la katekan. hehe. best gle! pntai die sgt la lawa. this is the third time kot aku pegi. mse tu kecik2 lg. hehe. aku mandi lah dgn fara n ayah skali. best! errr, kan best kalau ade.... hm, xpelah. hahaha. dh abeh mandi2 tuu, ayah ckp dah mlm dah. nnty xde plak feri nk bwk kite. haha. so, balek la lumut. smpai lumut, jln lagi. hahaha. g waterfront, beli ole ole untk mak mentua. ahhaha. xdelaaa, kidding sajee. beli ape ekk. beli mcm2 lah. untk die kwn famili dan sewaktu dgnnye. haha.
kalo aku nk cite sumenye kat cnie, rasenye smpai besok xabeh2. haha. so, aku pick up event yg best2 je. saje nk share dgn korang. xnk bace pun xpee. hehe. rsenye tu jelah ye this time. see u in the next post! byee.
i love you, ayah mama fara <33
Thursday, December 4, 2008
friends, i love you!
special to sk sg rokam batch 2005.
girls : nurul asilah, fathin nabila, nurul jannah, fatin fatini, aida anis, dona nurfarhana, fatin farhana, fatin syahirah, nur hidayah, syakierah, dienna, siti aiyshah, fazwin, marni.
boys : afiq, muiz, adam, salman, taufiq, syahmi n ade lagi. (sorry, aku xingt ahh)
today kuar dgn geng2 lame mse skola sg rokam dlu. wahh sgt la best sbb lme xjmpe dieorg since 3 years back. rase rindu nyee lahh kt dieorg. dah 3 taon xjumpe kan, mcm2 la kerenahnye yg kte dh penah experience n miss sesangat. dah lme xjmpe, so mcm2 lah smbg nye. rsenye mcm xckop mase aw ble smbg2 dgn dieorg. bese le, mulot nihh xbrenti renti pot pet nye. haha. kwn lame la katekann. siap pelok2 lg aww. haha. bnyk difference yg aku tgk td. ade setengah tu, dah lupe dah sape name. muke cam, tp name udah lost dlm memory nih. xbole scan dahhh. haha. tp xpe, knl2 lah skali lg. tetambah lg guys. ntah sape laa. aku btol2 xingt. sorry tauu. tp kwn2 laen lah yg tlg recall balek kepale aku nih. naseb bek aku ade ingt sket2. haha.
janji kul 12 td kat jj. tp ade yg dtg lmbt, so trpakse lah kne tnggu sume dtg. smentare tu g lah beli tiket wyg dlu. hari ini dlm sejarah btol. first time beli 20 tiket wyg skali gus. panjang gle bejele2 tiket tuh. aku jgk jd mangse pgg tiket sbnyk tuh. segannyee lah. rmai je org tgk bdk asilah nih. msti dieorg kate aku mcm first time tgk wyg. pedulik hape aku. hahaha. so, we all tgk movies start kul 2 td. cite los n faun. best jgk ahh cite tu. klaka gle n xmasok akal lngsung. today first launch movie tu, so ramai la dlm wyg td. kat jj pown rmai. rse serabot je.
dah slesai tgk wyg lbey kurang kul 4 tu, kteorg g mkn kat food court tuu. first2, bdk laki mcm nk separate jee dgn girls. eww diorg nih, kate nye segan la apela. hisshh, dulu satu kls xsegan. mcm2 lahh. then, setelah DIPUJUK , baru la dieorg mengalah n amek tmpt sblh meje bdk pmpuan. kbnykkan bdk laki mkn ah, bdk pmpuan ade sket2 je yg nk mkn. diet lah tuu. haha. aku mkn jee. sbb mmg x lunch lg kan. so, bedal je lahh. haha. n i had sizzling mee for my lunch today. sdp sdp. ngeee.
smbil mkn tu laa time nye nk brposing2 plakk. haha. xpe lahh, lyn jee. tbe2 jee kan, bnde yg xpenah2 aku bwat, aku bwat. malu malu malu! bkn sengaje tp xsengaje. haha. krusi yg aku dudok tuu. mse aku nk bangon dri krusi tu, tbe2 plak krusi tu jatoh gedebuk ats lntai tuu. mcm mne ntahh laa. sangkut with another krusi kt sblh tu kot. haaa, mule laa mate2 kt sekeliling tu tgk jee. ahhh! segan gilee nye. hahahaha. xbole lupe btol bnde tuu. tp xpe, bnde cmtu happened to everybody kann. so i guess, lpekan la nk segan gile2, normal things lah. maap ye tuan2 dan puan2 sbb bwat kecoh je kt ctue. it will be in my memories forever. hahaha :P
pstu kteorg (girls) decide nk tngkp gmba dgn guys. sbgai kngn2. bkn sng nk jmpe n kmpul mcm ni lg dah. ngee. tp bdk laki ckp nk posing2 kt roof top. kteorg ikot jelahh. tp mlgnyee, hujan la plak time tuh. haihh, xjd nk posing2. haha. then this phone ringing la plak. its my mum, aaaa, msti die nk amek balek dahh ni. huu. rse mcm kejap je spent time dgn dieorg td. :(
best sgt dpt jmpe dieorg. tp ade slek sket je, bdk laki mcm malu2 ahh. xopen n still sgn2 lg. kdg2 tu asek jln separate2 jee. tp xpe lahh. at least kite dah jmpe kann? for the girls, i still gonna miss u. nnty kte hang out lg ehh? i really had a great time with u sume. really enjoy it. i do :)
girls : nurul asilah, fathin nabila, nurul jannah, fatin fatini, aida anis, dona nurfarhana, fatin farhana, fatin syahirah, nur hidayah, syakierah, dienna, siti aiyshah, fazwin, marni.
boys : afiq, muiz, adam, salman, taufiq, syahmi n ade lagi. (sorry, aku xingt ahh)
today kuar dgn geng2 lame mse skola sg rokam dlu. wahh sgt la best sbb lme xjmpe dieorg since 3 years back. rase rindu nyee lahh kt dieorg. dah 3 taon xjumpe kan, mcm2 la kerenahnye yg kte dh penah experience n miss sesangat. dah lme xjmpe, so mcm2 lah smbg nye. rsenye mcm xckop mase aw ble smbg2 dgn dieorg. bese le, mulot nihh xbrenti renti pot pet nye. haha. kwn lame la katekann. siap pelok2 lg aww. haha. bnyk difference yg aku tgk td. ade setengah tu, dah lupe dah sape name. muke cam, tp name udah lost dlm memory nih. xbole scan dahhh. haha. tp xpe, knl2 lah skali lg. tetambah lg guys. ntah sape laa. aku btol2 xingt. sorry tauu. tp kwn2 laen lah yg tlg recall balek kepale aku nih. naseb bek aku ade ingt sket2. haha.
janji kul 12 td kat jj. tp ade yg dtg lmbt, so trpakse lah kne tnggu sume dtg. smentare tu g lah beli tiket wyg dlu. hari ini dlm sejarah btol. first time beli 20 tiket wyg skali gus. panjang gle bejele2 tiket tuh. aku jgk jd mangse pgg tiket sbnyk tuh. segannyee lah. rmai je org tgk bdk asilah nih. msti dieorg kate aku mcm first time tgk wyg. pedulik hape aku. hahaha. so, we all tgk movies start kul 2 td. cite los n faun. best jgk ahh cite tu. klaka gle n xmasok akal lngsung. today first launch movie tu, so ramai la dlm wyg td. kat jj pown rmai. rse serabot je.
dah slesai tgk wyg lbey kurang kul 4 tu, kteorg g mkn kat food court tuu. first2, bdk laki mcm nk separate jee dgn girls. eww diorg nih, kate nye segan la apela. hisshh, dulu satu kls xsegan. mcm2 lahh. then, setelah DIPUJUK , baru la dieorg mengalah n amek tmpt sblh meje bdk pmpuan. kbnykkan bdk laki mkn ah, bdk pmpuan ade sket2 je yg nk mkn. diet lah tuu. haha. aku mkn jee. sbb mmg x lunch lg kan. so, bedal je lahh. haha. n i had sizzling mee for my lunch today. sdp sdp. ngeee.
smbil mkn tu laa time nye nk brposing2 plakk. haha. xpe lahh, lyn jee. tbe2 jee kan, bnde yg xpenah2 aku bwat, aku bwat. malu malu malu! bkn sengaje tp xsengaje. haha. krusi yg aku dudok tuu. mse aku nk bangon dri krusi tu, tbe2 plak krusi tu jatoh gedebuk ats lntai tuu. mcm mne ntahh laa. sangkut with another krusi kt sblh tu kot. haaa, mule laa mate2 kt sekeliling tu tgk jee. ahhh! segan gilee nye. hahahaha. xbole lupe btol bnde tuu. tp xpe, bnde cmtu happened to everybody kann. so i guess, lpekan la nk segan gile2, normal things lah. maap ye tuan2 dan puan2 sbb bwat kecoh je kt ctue. it will be in my memories forever. hahaha :P
pstu kteorg (girls) decide nk tngkp gmba dgn guys. sbgai kngn2. bkn sng nk jmpe n kmpul mcm ni lg dah. ngee. tp bdk laki ckp nk posing2 kt roof top. kteorg ikot jelahh. tp mlgnyee, hujan la plak time tuh. haihh, xjd nk posing2. haha. then this phone ringing la plak. its my mum, aaaa, msti die nk amek balek dahh ni. huu. rse mcm kejap je spent time dgn dieorg td. :(
best sgt dpt jmpe dieorg. tp ade slek sket je, bdk laki mcm malu2 ahh. xopen n still sgn2 lg. kdg2 tu asek jln separate2 jee. tp xpe lahh. at least kite dah jmpe kann? for the girls, i still gonna miss u. nnty kte hang out lg ehh? i really had a great time with u sume. really enjoy it. i do :)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
27, 28, 29 & 30 nov
week yg agk memenatkan jgk laa. these days, i pegi manjung. g kuarters ayah. penat! pindah brg2 die. kemas2 rumah tuu and brg2 sume. erghh, tros dpt seseme. secondhand pnye idong lahh. haha.
bnyk bnde baru discover kt sini. kuartes ayh ni ats bukit, so, sejuknye thp babun. haha. siap ade kabus2 lg. xyah dah psg2 aircond or kipas. natural jee. org kedah ckp, sejuk gedi. haha. early morning tuu, around 7 till 8, ade la suare2 sumbang kedengaran. haha. bukan suare ayam yg gerak, suare monyet u know. hahaha. bingit telinge! bese lah, umah ni kat ats bukit, pstu dkt sgt dgn hutan. bkn stakat monyet je, mcm2 ada. ulat gonggok pnye laa bnyk. naseb baek xgeli. siap maen2 lg. hahaha.
famili dari ipoh sume dtg cnie, nk melawat umah kat pekan lumut ni. haihh, riuh rendah laa umah ayh ni. abg dari kl pown balek cnie. runtuh umah ni heh. haha. best lah jgk, jarang dpt kumpul mcm ni. syukur alhamdulillah, i still got my family with me :)
mlm bile ntah, family sume pegi lumut waterfront (kat jeti tuu, saje nk tulih, nmpk glemer sket, haha). g lepak2 situ smbil minum kopi kt tepi tuh. woahh, sgt indah! angin kuat, dingin bak salju(jiwang jap, haha). best sgt2! tempat nih rmai org dating. wah, sure romantik. hehehe. malangnye, i hanye bole dating dgn abg sndri je lee. yg laen nk stay stu tmpt je. ecehh, asek asek dgn die, boring lah. haha. kteorg jln2 kt ctue smpai saket lutut ni heh. ee, abg kejam btol. haha. tp still best. bkn slalu dpt mcm nii kan bangg? ngee.
hope ayah dpt keje dgn elok2 kat sini ye yahh. ciah doakan ayah dpt sesuaikan diri kat cnie. insyaAllah.
ayah bwk lah round2 kat lumut tuu, pastu i mntk tlg lalu kat kwsn marina cove resort. ngee. memories tuu. kursus pengawas mse tuu kt cnie lah. tringat diyaaa tp mse nih suke dlm diam jee. yelah, die org pnye. hahaha. :D
balek ipoh hri ahad tuu, tros serang internet. mcm bebudak plak. alhamdulillah, smpai dgn slmt, kul 7.30 kat umah dah. mama yg drive sorang2 dari lumut. ayah tnggal la sorang kt sne sbb nk keje. xpe, nk cari mkn kan yah? :)
sweet memories kat sane.
my family, my all.
i love each everyone of you
ayah, mama, abang, tok, opah, anco, ancu, shah.
bnyk bnde baru discover kt sini. kuartes ayh ni ats bukit, so, sejuknye thp babun. haha. siap ade kabus2 lg. xyah dah psg2 aircond or kipas. natural jee. org kedah ckp, sejuk gedi. haha. early morning tuu, around 7 till 8, ade la suare2 sumbang kedengaran. haha. bukan suare ayam yg gerak, suare monyet u know. hahaha. bingit telinge! bese lah, umah ni kat ats bukit, pstu dkt sgt dgn hutan. bkn stakat monyet je, mcm2 ada. ulat gonggok pnye laa bnyk. naseb baek xgeli. siap maen2 lg. hahaha.
famili dari ipoh sume dtg cnie, nk melawat umah kat pekan lumut ni. haihh, riuh rendah laa umah ayh ni. abg dari kl pown balek cnie. runtuh umah ni heh. haha. best lah jgk, jarang dpt kumpul mcm ni. syukur alhamdulillah, i still got my family with me :)
mlm bile ntah, family sume pegi lumut waterfront (kat jeti tuu, saje nk tulih, nmpk glemer sket, haha). g lepak2 situ smbil minum kopi kt tepi tuh. woahh, sgt indah! angin kuat, dingin bak salju(jiwang jap, haha). best sgt2! tempat nih rmai org dating. wah, sure romantik. hehehe. malangnye, i hanye bole dating dgn abg sndri je lee. yg laen nk stay stu tmpt je. ecehh, asek asek dgn die, boring lah. haha. kteorg jln2 kt ctue smpai saket lutut ni heh. ee, abg kejam btol. haha. tp still best. bkn slalu dpt mcm nii kan bangg? ngee.
hope ayah dpt keje dgn elok2 kat sini ye yahh. ciah doakan ayah dpt sesuaikan diri kat cnie. insyaAllah.
ayah bwk lah round2 kat lumut tuu, pastu i mntk tlg lalu kat kwsn marina cove resort. ngee. memories tuu. kursus pengawas mse tuu kt cnie lah. tringat diyaaa tp mse nih suke dlm diam jee. yelah, die org pnye. hahaha. :D
balek ipoh hri ahad tuu, tros serang internet. mcm bebudak plak. alhamdulillah, smpai dgn slmt, kul 7.30 kat umah dah. mama yg drive sorang2 dari lumut. ayah tnggal la sorang kt sne sbb nk keje. xpe, nk cari mkn kan yah? :)
sweet memories kat sane.
my family, my all.
i love each everyone of you
ayah, mama, abang, tok, opah, anco, ancu, shah.
26 nov 2008
hari hang out dgn kakak ku syg. today g jj dari kul 10 until 4. best best! tgk wyg, maen game, pstu mkn lah(xsah klo xmkn budak nii tau.) haha. g dgn fara skali. bdk meoon tuu kene ngorat kat dlm game ats jj tuu. hahahaha. :DD and and secare kebetulan, dpt jumpe kekasih hati japp. hehehe. untung untung! ngee.
maap, low quality camera. haha.
tiket show madagascar. (poyo jek)
haha. best lah cte ni! xnyesal tgk
and x rugi 6 hengget aku. haha. :)
low quality camera lgg. maap. hahaha.
gmba ni tngkp kat dlm booth gmba tu.
21 hengget wehh. mhl, tp best!
gmba die sgt cantek. tapi...
xphm ape la die mrepek kt skrin tu.
(almaklumlahh, bnde tu bhse cine. mne la nk phm. haha)
bnyk shot kteorg dpt. kenangan manis kann sygg? :)
secare kesimpulannye, (ayat sains) haha. best dpt kuar dgn dieorg. especially kakak amanina sbb jrg dpt kuar dgn die. heee. i hav a great time with u honeyy! adek syg akk! :)
maap, low quality camera. haha.
tiket show madagascar. (poyo jek)
haha. best lah cte ni! xnyesal tgk
and x rugi 6 hengget aku. haha. :)
low quality camera lgg. maap. hahaha.
gmba ni tngkp kat dlm booth gmba tu.
21 hengget wehh. mhl, tp best!
gmba die sgt cantek. tapi...
xphm ape la die mrepek kt skrin tu.
(almaklumlahh, bnde tu bhse cine. mne la nk phm. haha)
bnyk shot kteorg dpt. kenangan manis kann sygg? :)
secare kesimpulannye, (ayat sains) haha. best dpt kuar dgn dieorg. especially kakak amanina sbb jrg dpt kuar dgn die. heee. i hav a great time with u honeyy! adek syg akk! :)
25 nov 2008
the sweetest day ever. org trtntu je tau. kan kan? :p
klo xtaw, diam diam laaa kau. haha.
untuk mu di sane..
freddie fender- before the next teardrops fall
If he brings you happiness
Then I wish you all the best
It's your happiness that matters
Most of all
But if he ever breaks your heart
If the teardrops ever start
I'll be there
Before the next teardrop falls.
Si te quiere de verdad
Y te da felicidad
Te deseo lo mas bueno pa' los dos
Pero si te hace llorar
A mi me puedes hablar
Y estare contigo cuando triste estas
I'll be there
Anytime you need me
By your side
To dry away
Any teardrops that you cry
And if he ever leaves you blue
Just remember, I love you
And I'll be there
Before the next teardrop falls
I'll be there
Before the next teardrop falls.
sayang, ingat kan?
i love you so much! mmuahh! <33
klo xtaw, diam diam laaa kau. haha.
untuk mu di sane..
freddie fender- before the next teardrops fall
If he brings you happiness
Then I wish you all the best
It's your happiness that matters
Most of all
But if he ever breaks your heart
If the teardrops ever start
I'll be there
Before the next teardrop falls.
Si te quiere de verdad
Y te da felicidad
Te deseo lo mas bueno pa' los dos
Pero si te hace llorar
A mi me puedes hablar
Y estare contigo cuando triste estas
I'll be there
Anytime you need me
By your side
To dry away
Any teardrops that you cry
And if he ever leaves you blue
Just remember, I love you
And I'll be there
Before the next teardrop falls
I'll be there
Before the next teardrop falls.
sayang, ingat kan?
i love you so much! mmuahh! <33
22 & 23 november
here goes....
ni pemandangan sawah padi kat kampung alor serdang kedah.
kampung ku indah jauh di mata. hehe :p
saye g penang n balek kampung jap. maybe this is the last trip tdo apartment ayh kt penang. packing up brg2 die sbb die kne pndh ke manjung. hurmm, sdeh jgk lah sbb ayh dh lme kt sni n kbnykkan nye dh knl dgn staff2 ofis kt sni. tp ape bley buat, ats promotion, ayh kne la tuka ke manjung. on other perspection, syukur sgt2 sbb ayh dpt tuka ke perak. dkt sket dgn umah kt ipoh. alhamdulillah :)
ni lahh kompleks tun abdul razak. tmpat keje ayah ku sayang.
apek, sorry ha i tngkp gmba u. hahaha :P
penang, im in love with youu.
thanks for giving me such a wonderful memories.
apartment ayah, swimming pool, queensbay mall, komtar, bowling, batu feringhi, line clear, kueytiaw cine, aiskrim goncang (ayh la yg ckp :D), pantai dan pasir ku, i will miss you so much. hehe :p
good bye sume!
ni pemandangan sawah padi kat kampung alor serdang kedah.
kampung ku indah jauh di mata. hehe :p
saye g penang n balek kampung jap. maybe this is the last trip tdo apartment ayh kt penang. packing up brg2 die sbb die kne pndh ke manjung. hurmm, sdeh jgk lah sbb ayh dh lme kt sni n kbnykkan nye dh knl dgn staff2 ofis kt sni. tp ape bley buat, ats promotion, ayh kne la tuka ke manjung. on other perspection, syukur sgt2 sbb ayh dpt tuka ke perak. dkt sket dgn umah kt ipoh. alhamdulillah :)
ni lahh kompleks tun abdul razak. tmpat keje ayah ku sayang.
apek, sorry ha i tngkp gmba u. hahaha :P
penang, im in love with youu.
thanks for giving me such a wonderful memories.
apartment ayah, swimming pool, queensbay mall, komtar, bowling, batu feringhi, line clear, kueytiaw cine, aiskrim goncang (ayh la yg ckp :D), pantai dan pasir ku, i will miss you so much. hehe :p
good bye sume!
finally! im back!
bkn dari mne pownn. yelah, b4 dis kan internet kuu ade problem. finally! skang dh oke dahh! tengs abg! sekian lamenye tnggu internet nihh, rsenye rindu sgt2 kt pc. hee. so, bermule lah balek kesahkuu. haha. nex post nex post yee :D
byee <3
byee <3
Thursday, November 20, 2008
wehh TM
ergh, fed up btol dgn line streamyx. rsenye dh berjuta2 kali call suroh btolkn line internet. xjugak dtg2 orgnye. bongek btol. byr bill stiap bln tp line streamyx lembap nk mati. sipot jln lg laju rsenye.
first, org tuu ckp dieorg tgh btolkn cabel bwh tnh kt dpn politeknik tuu. okayy, bole la trime lg.
second, die ckp server breakdown. sbr lg.
third, abg call mara2 org tm tuu. die ckp die akn anta org dtg umah, tgk modem. dh seminggu bru dtg! eee. rse nk sepak jee org tuu.
this morning, mama call pengarah tm tu tros. nseb baek laa pengarah tuu 'kwn rpt' (ehem2) mama mse U dlu. (mama, jgn rsau, ayh xkn bce. haha.)
jmpe je mama kt ofis, org dari Tm tu tros dtg. wahh! mama ade ckp kot ckp pape. mama ckp die 'hot'. tu sbb sume org lyn die. (yelah sgt. mama pretty kan. mne la ayh xcair) haha.
kul 12 lbeh td, org TM dtg. ingtkn sape la plak dtg. masok bilek i then check internet kt pc. die try2 la gune modem die. die ckp, line xde prblem. cume modem nihh yg kuno. haha. ckp kat mama, mama tros bwk pegi TM point. nk beli modem kt situ.
tbe2 plak, minah tu ckp modem xde. katenye out of stock. mama marah org tu. haha. diam tros minah tu. ade ke patot, minah tu xckp sorry pown tau. mmg pdn mke die. lps tuu, pegi kat kdai kwn abg, Redcom kat dpn tesco tu. beli laa modem baru kt ctue.
mama siap ckp cine lg dgn org tuu. so, dpt la less sket. haha. mama oh mama. terer nye tackle org. haha.
malangnye, hanye abg fakhrul ku yg reti bwat setting internet nihh. so, kne la tnggu die balek this week dri kl. ah! adek rindu kauu lah bang. hee.
skang ni gne modem lme dlu. tbe2 plak dpt internet. kali nihh, mmg dh jnji. xmo ttup2 modem bongok nii. bia die hangus pown xpe. haha.
so, sesape warge TM yg ku sayangi, cube laa upgrade sket korang pnye servis. servis korang tuu kan, klo kt US, dh lame bankrap oke. punye laa xefisyen. korang bt pe je haa? tido dpn pc agknye. dh la call 100 tu kne tnggu 20 mnt bru dpt ckp dgn org TM. erghh, bongek pnye TM.
btw, tenkiu to pakcik ali nordin. ( kwn mama tu) pakcik life saver btol. hehe. n tenkiu to mama juge, kerana muu, diriku belajar cmne nk marah org yg pijak2 kple kite. haha. n how to tackle org jual supaye dpt harge murah. hahaha. kesimpulannye, (chewahh, ayt karangan BM. haha) saye ni xbole idop tnpe internet. hehe.
people people out there, is this we want? malaysia maju 2020? i dont think so. maseh tramt jaoh nk smpai majuu. bnde kecik mcm ni pown kne tnggu sebulan bru bole slesaikn. pemimpin kuu mse dpn, buke laa mate sket. jgn bangge sgt dgn slogan 'malaysia maju 2020'. nonsence jee lah. ni lah keje UMNO. (dulu, kini dan selamanya) no wayy. aku nk tuka, (dulu, kini dan selamanya mampus) haha. maap (inilah suare saye, anak bekas pengarah spr pulau pinang) i know all the 'shits' yg UMNO bwat. sorry la aku nk caye korang. kite demokrasi kann? bebas bersuara. soo, maapkn saye penyokong UMNO. haha. pesal aku politik plak nihh. haha.
see you in the next post. byee :)
first, org tuu ckp dieorg tgh btolkn cabel bwh tnh kt dpn politeknik tuu. okayy, bole la trime lg.
second, die ckp server breakdown. sbr lg.
third, abg call mara2 org tm tuu. die ckp die akn anta org dtg umah, tgk modem. dh seminggu bru dtg! eee. rse nk sepak jee org tuu.
this morning, mama call pengarah tm tu tros. nseb baek laa pengarah tuu 'kwn rpt' (ehem2) mama mse U dlu. (mama, jgn rsau, ayh xkn bce. haha.)
jmpe je mama kt ofis, org dari Tm tu tros dtg. wahh! mama ade ckp kot ckp pape. mama ckp die 'hot'. tu sbb sume org lyn die. (yelah sgt. mama pretty kan. mne la ayh xcair) haha.
kul 12 lbeh td, org TM dtg. ingtkn sape la plak dtg. masok bilek i then check internet kt pc. die try2 la gune modem die. die ckp, line xde prblem. cume modem nihh yg kuno. haha. ckp kat mama, mama tros bwk pegi TM point. nk beli modem kt situ.
tbe2 plak, minah tu ckp modem xde. katenye out of stock. mama marah org tu. haha. diam tros minah tu. ade ke patot, minah tu xckp sorry pown tau. mmg pdn mke die. lps tuu, pegi kat kdai kwn abg, Redcom kat dpn tesco tu. beli laa modem baru kt ctue.
mama siap ckp cine lg dgn org tuu. so, dpt la less sket. haha. mama oh mama. terer nye tackle org. haha.
malangnye, hanye abg fakhrul ku yg reti bwat setting internet nihh. so, kne la tnggu die balek this week dri kl. ah! adek rindu kauu lah bang. hee.
skang ni gne modem lme dlu. tbe2 plak dpt internet. kali nihh, mmg dh jnji. xmo ttup2 modem bongok nii. bia die hangus pown xpe. haha.
so, sesape warge TM yg ku sayangi, cube laa upgrade sket korang pnye servis. servis korang tuu kan, klo kt US, dh lame bankrap oke. punye laa xefisyen. korang bt pe je haa? tido dpn pc agknye. dh la call 100 tu kne tnggu 20 mnt bru dpt ckp dgn org TM. erghh, bongek pnye TM.
btw, tenkiu to pakcik ali nordin. ( kwn mama tu) pakcik life saver btol. hehe. n tenkiu to mama juge, kerana muu, diriku belajar cmne nk marah org yg pijak2 kple kite. haha. n how to tackle org jual supaye dpt harge murah. hahaha. kesimpulannye, (chewahh, ayt karangan BM. haha) saye ni xbole idop tnpe internet. hehe.
people people out there, is this we want? malaysia maju 2020? i dont think so. maseh tramt jaoh nk smpai majuu. bnde kecik mcm ni pown kne tnggu sebulan bru bole slesaikn. pemimpin kuu mse dpn, buke laa mate sket. jgn bangge sgt dgn slogan 'malaysia maju 2020'. nonsence jee lah. ni lah keje UMNO. (dulu, kini dan selamanya) no wayy. aku nk tuka, (dulu, kini dan selamanya mampus) haha. maap (inilah suare saye, anak bekas pengarah spr pulau pinang) i know all the 'shits' yg UMNO bwat. sorry la aku nk caye korang. kite demokrasi kann? bebas bersuara. soo, maapkn saye penyokong UMNO. haha. pesal aku politik plak nihh. haha.
see you in the next post. byee :)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Spm candidates.
teringat plak kt f5. sure tgh buzy study n revise untk next paper. adoy, hrp sbr2 jela ye. lps nih dh xde dh exam2 kt skola. dkt U la plak nnty. hee. bpe hri je lg, lps tu bole la enjoy sakan! hehe.
good luck!
him, i miss u. ngee :p
good luck!
him, i miss u. ngee :p
ah ah ah !
aduhh! dri pg g jln, shopping, n wt essay untk ayh n xabih2 bwt keje. ah! penat penat! then skng nih rse cm nk demam. well, td hujan. maybe kene laa a few drops. tros saket kple n tekak pun rse smcm. aaa, jgn laa dmm. sape laa yg suke saket2 rite? hmm, maybe bole baek cpt ni. insyaAllah.
k laa, tu je kot for today! next post comin rite up. byee :D
k laa, tu je kot for today! next post comin rite up. byee :D
Saturday, November 15, 2008
hello hello
everyone everyone. assalamualaikum =)
dis was the first blog fer me. ahaha.
well, baru maju kot. idea nih muncul sbb tgk ramai org wat blog.
rse jeles laa plak enn ble my brother tunjuk2 die ade blog. hee. tmbh2 lg skang nih school holiday, xde nk wt pape kt umah. bosann sajee. so, pk mcm best je wt blog nih. i'll give it a try first.
maybe nnty dh buzy tu xde mse nk bukak bnde2 cmni. ehe.
k laa, nnty ble2 yg ade event interesting, i post lg. lalala. byeee <33
dis was the first blog fer me. ahaha.
well, baru maju kot. idea nih muncul sbb tgk ramai org wat blog.
rse jeles laa plak enn ble my brother tunjuk2 die ade blog. hee. tmbh2 lg skang nih school holiday, xde nk wt pape kt umah. bosann sajee. so, pk mcm best je wt blog nih. i'll give it a try first.
maybe nnty dh buzy tu xde mse nk bukak bnde2 cmni. ehe.
k laa, nnty ble2 yg ade event interesting, i post lg. lalala. byeee <33
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