its been so long aku xupdate blog nih! tbe2 ade mood plak nk tulih blog pg2 bute 3.2 niii. hee. :D
so, bnyk bnde yg brlaku since the day i entered form 4. so so many NEW things yg kne blaja. biology laa, chemistry laa, add maths la. aduh! lg bnyk bnde kne tau. n sdr atau x, the new things yg aku blaja ble masok form 4 is, i am learning to make new friends n also mix with the people which i havent know him/her so well enough. well, i have to build this n have to be friendly with them rather than sitting alone n zipping my mouth like a doll. no wayy! i love to have friends n with friends, i can have the excitement in my life.
i am free to say what i want, i am proud with them with who i am n i am building myself with them.
sejak due tige empat menjak nih (ayt ape ni?) haha. beselahh, f4 kn stu thp yg agak weird i can say sbb punyelah dh lame kte kwn dgn kwn2 kte, then suddenly pegi mrsm n sbp. well sumtimes it IS the fact of life, so i have to accept. no doubt, nnty lps f5 kne blaaa jgk kn. hmm. friendsss, kpd sesiape yg pegi tu, i just want to express my feelings that i am so happy for u guys n hoping ble korang ade kt sne nnty, bring the new income n share with me. congrats to u coz u make your wish come true. hehe :D
but deep in my heart, i just want to say, how sad i am losing friends like u all. (jgn kritik dlu, dga ape aku nk ckp. hehe) yelahh, kte kan dah 3years brkwn or maybe more than that, then suddenly, u have to go n the TIME we used to share together is also never be the same. n maybe, u hav change n i am here without knowing n ikuti ape prubhn korang. our task wouldnt be the same again, our holidays, our quality time, our our our....etc, there wouldnt be the same! do u think about all those things? if dont, I AM thinking those n guess what, i have been CRYing on the day that u receive ur letter saying that 'tahniah, permohonan anda telah berjaya ke MRSM ..., SBP ....' xcaye, tnye jannah, ble aku dpt tau je die pegi, AKU TROS NANGES DLM BIOLOGY CLASS. aku dh xtau malu in front of 55 students in that class. n aku dh xkesah ape org nk ckp! aku xthn wehh! adoyy. :(
dear friends, tu sume luahan ape yg aku rse kat korang. its true. klo korang xsuke ape yg aku luahkn, im so sorry. on the other hand, aku rse sgt brtuah sbb brkwn dgn korang yg PANDAI2 nih! hehe. untk sume, smoge brjaye n smoge mncpai cite2 di sane! aku kt sini, sntiase doakan korang n brhrp laa sgt2, korang sume xkn lupekn aku kt sni n kte still kwn n still hav our quality time together ok!
"Thats what a friend is for, when your lost in darkness and searching for the light, to help you through those lonely nights, when everything around you fails just hold out your hand, and i'll come running, thats what a friend is for."
-Marty Keith
jannah-sek men sains sri putri kl
asyraf-mrsm pdrm kulim
munir-mrsm taiping
zaza-seratas taiping
anian-sm sains sultan mohammad jiwa
abe iqbal-sm sains sultan mohammad jiwa
mail-mrsm langkawi
nidzam-mrsm taiping
fatin nabilah-mrsm kepala batas
safwan-mrsm taiping
kwn smpai mati ok!
friendship forever babe :)
yeah, memang teramat sedih nak tinggalkan kawan lama. tapi 2 tahun je, nanti together gether balik eh, janji
friends are forever. :)
As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come Whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
sygg kmoo oh!
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