Friday, May 22, 2009


finally! alhamdulillah, dpt jgk! yey! eytt, org putrajaya, u r among the best! u colour my life! hehe. sbb dpt youu lah, i bole lupekn org tu! tau kan. hepi sgt rsenye. heee.

its you yg i carik, its you yg i syg, its you yg i nak, its you yg i nk knl sgt, its you yg i nk ckp ILOVEYOU. hehe. eytt, ingt, u brtuah ohh! jge i baek2 eaa manisss!

yes, u r my everything, my sunshine, my mr right, my honey n my only, muhd najmi b jasni. <33

psttt, lgu tu! westlife, swear it all over again. addicted dh dgn lgu tu. hehehe. :P

exam! grrr.

masok mnggu nih da masok mnggu due exam! aaaa, bnci, tensyen, stress. sume ade! naek f4 je mcm sumenye serabot! dh la sume paper susah gila nk maty. erghh. tmbh2 lg paper add math. kompem dpt A1 ++ oh. terujaa dgn soklan nya. smpai speechless aku wo! hahaha. xtau la cmne result nnty! msty terok! hah, pedulik ape aku. haha. overall, this week sumenye paper 2. mmg susahhhhh sgt2. another week to go! go go! then cuty skola! yeahh! best gilaa cuty! lepak lepak! rinduuu lah, dh lme xhang out. shopping! muvies! bowling! games! photo booth! ah, rindu sume tu!
dh dh, stop brgn. ade lg 9 paper lg blom slesai ni. hishh. menyemak pale otak! huu.

kering idea sbb tgh feeling lyn msg msg msg msg. ahha! cintaaa, rindu. heeee.

limalimakosongsembilan <3

gerak dulu, byeee. :)