Tuesday, October 11, 2011

this post is for you

hey baby , i update blog ni time u dah tido :D
*let me use 'i & u' can i?
cmne nak mule kan ek? okayy, i know, its, ASSALAMUALAIKUM. that was the first lesson u taught me abg. sampai bile2 i akn ingt tau! heee.
hari ni 12 october 2011. smlm anny kite. abg sedar x kite dh kpl 9 bln? for the past 9 months, it have been so much happiness that we have shared. i am totally happy living with you abg. just to let you know, u are the first man in my life yg c
an made me cry dgn mesej2 yg abg bg. abg, msg abg tersangatt laa sweet day by day. i xtau u bole jd se sweet mcm ni. seriously, i never thought u are like this abg. i just thought u seorg laki yg keras n mmg kurang sgt lahh bab2 nak amek aty girls sume2 bcoz u dari skolah laki. my thoughts are all wrong, u are different now n i like it. dekat sgt dgn hati i okay :')

mlm smlm kite sambut anny kite kat tmpt first tim
e kite date. *JAYA JUSCO ; ESPRIT. sumpah i terkejut gile okay u bwk bunge n u sorokkan blkg u. u ingt u doraemon, u bole laa sorok2 bg i xnmpk? i nmpk okay! mate i ni superwoman tauu! hehe. ehemm, its my weakness, i jd terkejot berok smpai xtau nk ckp ape dh kat u. as if i pulak yg xbiase dgn sume2 ni, pdhal kite dh lame kpl. haha. haishhh u pun tau kan i cpt speechless n suke sgt malu2 kuceng. hmmm, i harap u fhm. *tacingg pulak. haha. :D

jrg kan i dpt kua mlm dgn u, having dinner with u. af
ter plan kite terbatal, so im planning, bia lahh di gantikan dgn something yg very special when kite due kat ipoh. i make a point nk jugak kua mlm tu, xkire! i nak buat u happy n bia lahh kite sambut anny kite romantik2 skit. hehe. my ahmad, im sorry for making so many rules n doesnt tell u what is all about. saje je nk bg die surprise n tertunggu tunggu ape akn jd. sume nye simple je kan tp ltk rules bkn main lg kan. hehe. hmm , bia i list down all the rules.

1) free kan diri hari isnin(10/10) n hari selasa (11/10).
2) tak bole pkai sliper, pkai kasot, rambut kemas, bwk beg, pkai jam, pkai perfume, cuci muke, pkai gelang.
3) bnyk kan senyum n bersopan santun
4) tepati mase
5) kiss tgn i
6) nyanyi lagu part chorus n record bg kat i *ehemm, this rule u xbuat lg
7) masak untk i, simple pun xpe, janji jgn beli kat kedai. *ehemmm, this rule pun u xbuat lg

sorry sgt i buat rule ni, bkn untuk mendere, tp i nak sume tu jd kenangan kite nnti. ngeee. mule2 i nak ajk u mkn tmpt first kte mkn same2 *MCDONALD tp time tuu pun i agak lapa n u pun hari last mam bnyk2 kan. wek wek! hehe. so i blanje u mkn kat black canyon. puas kan mkn kat situ? honey, im sorry sbb u xdpt mkn chcken chop. next time i promised u, i blanje u mkn chicken chop okay? n i ingt one thing, dari hari tu lg u ckp u tringin sgt nak mkn cheese cake. at last u dpt jgk mkn kan? kite jln2 n smpai kat de garden, kite tngkp gmba kan kan. sweet sgt!

my lovee, please jgn sie2 kan sume ni, i syg hbgn yg kite ade ni. i nak ianya berkekalan smpai bile2. kite dh plan hidup kite mcm mane kan abg? make it real. i tunggu saat tu. i nak u tahu yg hanye u yg bole bg i rase sebahagiaa mcm ni.

happy 9th months anniversary.
I LOVE YOU , ahmad bin dzulkifli.

sudah sudah laa ego mu itu

putus kawan? mintak maaf? di maafkan? memaafkan? ape ke bende nye lahh! we r okay but you make the dirt even worst! clean it up lah wey! haven't u heard this word ; PROFESSIONALISM.

common , we are big enough.

pstt ; aku ni bkn jahat mane x maafkan org. agak2 lahh nak kutuk blkg pun.